This is doug's Technical Reference Page. cut me some slack. I'm a student now.

This page is broken into section to make browsing easy(ish). Mostly this page is so i can get to what i really want to know when i really need to know it. The page is divided up into Math, Telecommunications and Networking, Programming, Digital Circuits, Electric Circuits, and Electronic Components. and lastly, HTML source links. I wish i could find a good guide for how to display math on HTML pages.

semiconductor logos
a piece of pi
Telecommunications and Networking
Heirarchy of T's
doug's subnet cheater
cisco console and aux port pinouts
generic router config
Well-Known TCP/UDP port number, by IANA

; ~~~~Programming~~~~~
Assembly Language
ARM ARM Assembly Language Documentation
Microchip PIC PIC Assembly Language Documentation
Code Warrior
Electric Circuits
Electronic Componets
Parts for the IEEE Toolbox at Portland State University (unofficial)

HTML References

W3 is the WWW Consortium, who decides the standards for HTML


Win SCP is a really cool utility to SFTP around. easy to use.
putty is essential! Telnet, SSH, etc.

last updated 2005 Feb 08

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